Ryan White

Ryan White

Software Engineer






Mongo DB









Sec + Certified

A + Certified



This is my version of the classic snake game built with vanilla JavaScript

NBA Roster Manager

A MERN stack Application I built along with friends to track your favorite NBA players and build fantasy teams.

Towers of Hanoi

Created my own version of Towers of Hanoi with vanilla JavaScript

Money Moves

A application for tracking and recording your financial transactions

Great Blue Co

Wordpress site I built for a local landscape cooperative


A platform created for people to exchange their knowledge and services for lodging.


An application to create, modify, share, and improve crowd-sourced notes.


Hey Everybody, my name is Ryan White and I'm a full stack web developer in the D.C./Baltimore area. I enjoy solving complex problems and creating custom solutions for businesses of all sizes. I'm also an Co-organizer/Teacher at Baltimore Black Techies.

I'm experienced in building modern web applications with JavaScript, Node, React, Angular, Express, Mongo, SQL, and Wordpress. I'm also a passionate teacher/mentor who believes everyone can learn to code. I'm available for teaching and tutoring opportunities.


This is my version of the classic snake game built with vanilla JavaScript.

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NBA Roster Manager

A Mern stack Application I built along with friends to track your favorite NBA players and build fantasy teams. I was tech lead, managed the git workflow, provided code reviews, and held daily meetings. My technical focus was on implementing React but I made contributions all across the code base.

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Towers of Hanoi

Created my own version of Towers of Hanoi with vanilla JavaScript

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Money Moves

A application for tracking and recording your financial transactions. This is built with the Mongo DB, Express, Handlebars, and Node.

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Project Name

This is a Wordpress site I built for a local landscaping cooperative named Great Blue Co based in Baltimore, MD.

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What if you could get travel accomadation for free and share your passions at the same time? What if you could make new friends and see new places without having to put anything on a debit card? Couch Bum is a platform that lets you exchange your skills and experience for lodging. Once you sign-up, you are already a traveler. Once you post your first listing, you become a host.

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An application to create, modify, share, and improve crowd-sourced notes.

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